Special Adviser Meets with the Iraqi President

Special Adviser Karim A. A. Kham QC met with H.E. Barham Salih President of Iraq today. They discussed ways to move forward amendments to the Iraqi High Tribunal law, currently with Parliament, to domesticate International Crimes into Iraqi law enabling Iraqi judges to prosecute Daesh for such crimes. Victims & survivors have made clear the importance of properly labelling & charging these crimes as Genocide,Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes. We have to call what took place by its proper name(s) as a way to appropriately recognize the suffering, sacrifices & immense courage of the Iraqi people, & to ensure an evidential record is created that can never be forgotten.

The Iraqi High Tribunal amendments are part of a wider strategy that Special Adviser Karim A. A. Khan QC presented to President Barham Salih, as UNITAD progresses from investigations to supporting domestic criminal proceedings for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide.


7 July 2020