Psychosocial Support

Psychological expertise within the Witness Protection and Support Unit (WPSU).


UNITAD’s clinical psychologists are mental health specialists with experience working with vulnerable people and groups such as victims of sexual violence, traumatized children, and adults within the criminal justice system the specialist contribution of clinical psychologists in line with UNITAD’s mandate includes mainly:


1. To identify and recommend measures for the Investigative Team to facilitate the testimony of witnesses to the fullest possible extent in emotionally safe and reassuring environment without suffering further harm. This involves providing specialist vulnerability assessments, screening victims and witnesses for mental health symptoms including PTSD, and monitoring their wellbeing pre, during and post investigative interviews where appropriate.


2. To train UNITAD staff members on issues relevant to witnesses' and victims' mental health and psychosocial support, secondary victimization, and trauma especially with regard to children and adults, survivors of conflict-related sexual violence and other vulnerable groups.


3. To establish relevant contacts and cooperation with Iraqi government authorities and NGO’s for the purpose of facilitating access of witnesses to psychosocial services, and creating opportunities for actively participating in capacity-building trainings.


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support – Resources for beneficiaries/witnesses/survivors

If you have been through a life-threatening experience, lost loved ones or witnessed violence, you may be dealing with the effects of trauma. In the aftermath of mass atrocities, wars and violence, trauma can disrupt your life, your family and the entire community. Therefore, it is essential that survivors are properly supported through mental health and psychosocial support.

The team of psychologists at UNITAD have developed resources to inform and support trauma survivors. If you experience a condition that is affecting your mental health and are looking for specific information about different types of issues, please visit the pages below to see if there are any topics relevant to you.


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